Category: Small Beer Press

  • Blog shift, format, wine & word

    Blog shift, format, wine & word

    So much at once, right? For a couple of years now, I’ve been blogging at ¿Se enseña aquí? — a blog begun partly in the hopes of encouraging students to study abroad (in particular in the program in Rosario, Argentina, where I was about to teach) and continued as a way to talk about translation, language […]

  • 11 Odd Things Learned in the Course of Translation

    –tidbits picked up in translating Beyond the Islands (Alicia Yánez Cossío) and Trafalgar (Angélica Gorodischer)– Some days, translation is like a treasure hunt, a sanctioned scavenge after curious words and unfamiliar allusions. (Happily, I’m a fan of dictionaries and reference books; my dictionary stand is a prized possession.) When the project’s finished, some of those definitions and […]

  • Proofreading and Second Chances

    It has never yet happened that, reading proofs, I haven’t found some dreadful if trifling error–often after 20 or 30 error-free pages, when I was beginning to wonder whether the task was, indeed, worthwhile. But there it will be, the third i in the middle of a word, the second however in a row. No […]