Tag: nostalgia

  • Boxed Set, part II–memory stories in and out of the box

    Literal Latté‘s spring 2015 issue is up–and with it my story, “Cloud Seeding in the Andes,” beautifully illustrated by Joseba Elorza. Coincidentally, today also marks 35 years since we returned to the US from that first trip to Ecuador–first for me, first that counts in memory–the trip that has served as springboard (nest, epicenter, scaffolding, excuse) for…

  • Open Space

    A colleague, now several years retired, recently cleared out the office he had occupied for more than twenty years. It’s lighter now, without the file cabinets, the bookcases lined up two deep against the walls. Just a couple of old computers, an older desk, a fan. I miss seeing him day to day on campus–we…

  • Fictional Falls

    Stories happen, or they’re found, or they’re built. Harvested, gathered, collected, constructed. Sometimes there’s an alchemy of memory and conversation.   I wrote about waterfall words–in English and Spanish–in one of my earlier blog post, Iguazú Words. I was preparing for a trip to Argentina, thinking like a tourist (what are my must-sees?) and a…