Category: Detours

  • Detours (and Signs)

    Some signs are more directive than others Ordinarily, I grumble as much as the next person at the prospect of road work and its concomitant delays. But not lately: in preparation for the release of my chapbook, Detours, by Burnside Review Press, I’ve been collecting detour signs. Pictures of signs–I haven’t stolen any yet. I…

  • So, what is a chapbook?

    My brother just asked. And before I fired off something snappy, I checked the hefty  Random House Dictionary of the English Language that I keep on the dictionary stand in my study. According to which, a chapbook is: 1. a small book or pamphlet of popular tales, ballads, etc., formerly hawked about by chapmen. 2.…

  • Burnside Review Fiction Chapbook Contest

    The official notice is up on the Burnside Review website, so I can spread the word far and wide myself: my sequence of linked prose poems/flash fictions, “Detours,” was chosen by Blake Butler as winner of the 2011 Burnside Review Fiction Chapbook Contest. I’ve been detouring with these words for a good while; winning the contest is…